Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fridays Outage

Aw S**t!!

Nobody Asked Me has a good post up about the outrage yesterday. Or outage, as you see fit.

This whole thing has me curious.

1. Was this an accident as they claim? One little bit of code on an update screwed up the whole world? Really? An accident? Really? 

2.And this was just a few days after the Trump assassination fiasco. Some mistiming perhaps?

3. Apparently some credit cards and debit cards and banks and atms were affected. Did you have some cash on you yesterday to make up for it? If this lasted for more than a day and affected food delivery to the stores did you have enough on hand to make it a few days?

4. Was this intentional? Was this the day they tried to take down the system and they screwed up and it didn't work the way they thought it would?

5. Was this a test? To see what they could get away with? To see what we would put up with? Are they training us to follow their indoctrination?

6. Maybe they don't know everything that runs on the net and wanted to see if they could find out everything on the net.


  1. It was an accident. It wasn't supposed to be released since the missed assassination attempt.
    A friend working at a local convenient store had a customer come in to try and buy a loaf of bread and pack of smokes for a silver bar. She said sure but no change will be given.
    Someone hit the go-live button instead of the run-test-mode button. Total screw-up but not the last we will be seeing of this.
    Proved a few things:
    It is easy to screw up people's lives, call it an accident, and no one goes to jail.
    Take out a few players in each of a dozen different sectors and the result is worldwide disruption.
    Do it again with a few different players in a different sectors and watch the resulting total chaos.

    1. Expensive smokes. And you and I are in agreement.

  2. I'm going with "Dress rehearsal for November 5th."
