Friday, July 12, 2024

I tell ya, finances should be a required high school class to graduate.



  1. Why I always bought used cars and trucks. My only first new truck was a 2000 Chevy 1 ton that I still have today and it is my daily driver, 25 years old and 287,000 miles on it. GM lost money on me when I bought it...

  2. Screw the new car!!!! $15K in CREDIT CARD DEBT???

    In my 63 years I've owned ONE new car. I bought it in 1985 right before my first son was born. I sold it 15 years later, not long after giving my him his first driving lessons in it. I would never buy a new car again. There's no ROI. I own four vehicles now. The newest is is 12 years old. The oldest, my Jeep wrangler, is 27 years old.

    The LAST thing "our betters" want is for us to be smart about money, hence the lack of "money management" classes in schools. ...All a part of the plan...
