Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gas prices

 Holee crap gas prices are all over the place.

I usually gas up at my local valero station. It was $4.49 gallon last week when I filled up.

I needed gas today. So I went to my credit union to deposit a check and get some cash. On the way to the credit union I drove by an EZ Trip gas station, 87 octane is $3.43 per gallon. Valero and Union 76 are on opposing corners and are about $4.29 per gallon. That's a hell of a price difference.

As I continued to the credit union I passed by a chevron. $4.89 per gallon. That is a $1.46 per gallon difference. For a 17 gallon fillup that is a difference of $24.82! Holy hell I'm gonna fill up there!

I pulled in and EVERY pump was full and had at least 1 car in line behind them. So I finagle my way around and pull in behind a car. Whose driver gets out, nonchalantly looks around, slowly walks inside. And the one in front of him did the same thing. 

And I'm sitting there waiting on these people and about 5 minutes go by and they didn't come out yet. But I'm blocking the driveway and cars can't go by me. So rather than wait what looks to be another 15 minutes I say to hell with it and pull out for another destination.

Pulled into an EZ Trip over by the highway and paid $4.29 gallon. It was worth it not to get into a fight at the other place.


  1. Just checked gasbuddy and lowest in my town is $2.75 So you paid $26.18 more. You can also buy a 2500 hundred sq. ft. house for $150K.

  2. I filled up the other day with midgrade for $3.55/gal. It's been hovering there for several months
