Monday, July 1, 2024

The Next Couple of Weeks is Gonna be Brutal

 I don't know who we pissed off, but somebody got mad up there. The next 2 weeks are gonna be downright hot.

For those of you who like hot weather, come on down!

Monday the first is gonna be 102, Tuesday the second predicted at 107.

And this is election summer. Sheesh.


  1. Brother and SIL live in Palm Springs, CA and this looks like their summer weather. They'll tell you it's fine because it's such dry heat. NO! It's freaking hot.

  2. Aren't you glad it's not in the 60s and 70s while thunderstorming and flooding?

    I can't wait until it warms up to mid-90s and 90%+ humidity because everything is saturated...
