Friday, October 1, 2021

A Man, An Alligator, and a Trashcan

 WATCH: Florida Army vet catches alligator in trash can to protect his kids: ‘I used the front like a hippo mouth’

In Florida, a relatively large alligator was in a mans front yard. He didn't want it there because his kids play outside. So he got an empty 90 gallon recycle bin and captured the thing and released it into a pond.

I say Bravo! This man stood tall, took some personal initiative, and Kicked Ass!

There is a video, but at the end of the video a male karen is crying and saying Ah this guy should have done NOTHING and gone inside and stuck one thumb up his butt and one thumb up his mouth and rotated every 5 minutes. What a Puss!

If people back in the 1600s to now had sat around and done nothing this country would not be here. No country would, the whole world would be dead.

And I believe that is a large part of what is wrong in america today. People like that male karen, who is probably a damn democrat, want everyone to sit idly by while the tptb do their job. Fuck that.


  1. Nobody even tried to help him. That's a neighborhood where little kids have life insurance. But, no I'm down with living there, but neighbors like That? Aww, hayull yeah!
    A few more pounds of dinosaur and he would have needed help.
    Flipping the lid to make it run tells me he stays calm and thinks through problems. Smart guy.

    Full disclosure

    I could Prahbublee find a way to say something nice if I wasn't such a rayciss.

    1. We are all raysis, according to bowel lives matter.
