Sunday, November 7, 2021

What the Hell is Wrong With People in This Country

8-year-old kid kicked off bus, left on side of the road for not wearing mask, mom says 

In Montana, an 8 year old kid wasn't allowed to ride the school bus to school. Why? He wasn't wearing a mask. The idiot busdriver kicked him off. In the fucking cold. His older brother had already boarded but didn't see this happen. When he found out, he got off to find his brother. The father called people at school and they LAUGHED at him and said it wasn't their problem. Laughed? That would be one hurtin sonofabitch when I got done with him. I might not be big enough and mean enough to do much, but my dodge dakota pickup is. I would wait and runover that sonofabitch. And then I would get out, look at him, and laugh.