Monday, February 27, 2023
I got rid of comcast/xfinity
Xfinity comcast appears to me to be run by competent criminals.
Last monday the 20 I went to comcast and exchanged my rental router because it wasn't working, or so I thought.
3 times that day I was able to force a comcast person to actually talk to me and each time they told me the internet was out in my area and would be repaired in one hour.
At 5 pm after about 9 hours of no internet I forced my way through the automated system and got another person who told me: There was NO internet outage in your area today.
WTF!!?? Then she proceeded to try and get my internet to work. Thru all of this comcast wanted me to download an app to my phone so I could setup internet. I said fuck that, the less apps on my phone the better.
Longstory short, I have not had internet since monday the 20. Today I returned my router and canceled my account with comcast which I have had for about 25 years.
At the door I told them I was there to return the router because they could not make it work. The lady said maybe you just need to exchange it. I said I did that last week, then she replied this is just refurbished. Which surprised me I thought it was new.
When I got called I told the lady what I wanted. I handed her the router. She surprised me when she said that the router I gave her was the wrong router for the service I was paying for. I intelligently said,"Huh??"
Apparently I was supposed to be getting faster internet. With a different router.
Okay. So I said I have been paying for service I haven't been getting?? She replied Oh you've been getting it.
To which I thought I've been getting it allright, straight up the ass.
Anyway, I no longer have comcast or xfinity. And for now mobile hotspot is all the rage.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Holy Shite! Watch this video. Hotspot to the rescue once more.
Shocking Video! Florida Student Assaults Female Teacher for Taking His Nintendo Switch
I am more than a little confused. You gotta watch the marine coming down the hallway in full view of the attack.
Why did he just casually saunter up to the attack which was still going on? Why didn't he rush in to help?
I thought that is what marines do???
Or did I completely miss something?
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Blogging will be sporadic
Posting here will be sporadic for a while. Please keep checking back.
Me and comcast xfinity are going round and round and they are winning.
So I am canceling my comcast. At the moment I am using a mobil hotspot to connect to the net with.
Please bear with me. All will be made to work eventually.
I hope.
Monday, February 20, 2023
I don't think so Tim.
I bet you're saying "They'll never do that!"
Bullshit. They'll do that all right and more. This is what they've been waiting for. This may be the final takeover.
Prepare accordingly.
If you are like me, you're saying Fuck em, schwack em.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Palestine, Ohio
Who knows if that was the wrong Palestine or not? This whole thing may be a big accident, it may be a terrorist event, or maybe the government is trying to poison the people. Who the hell knows?
Friday, February 17, 2023
I agree. They'll give that fucker anything.
I mean, it’s worth a shot
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) February 17, 2023
‘It’s Worth A Shot’: Rand Paul Approves Of Ohio Gov Posing As Zelensky To Get Federal Assistance
You asses out there who voted for this shitshow of democrats really should be ashamed of yourselves.
The people of Ohio who are affected by this train derailment bullcrap should not have to beg for federal assistance. I do believe that is part of the job of federal government, not laundering money thru zelenskiova.
Waiting on propane
Waiting on a propane tank fill up. Up at 7:30 for a change instead of 10 am. At least I slept all night this time, and didn't get up at 2 am.
I wonder. Is waiting on them is like waiting on Comcast?
Time frame of 8am to 3 pm.
If you gotta go pee and they knock on your door and you don't answer, they gone.
Nah, I think these guys would stay until I answer.
Last propane fillup was over 500 bucks, hope this one is not as much.
We shall see.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Does Crisco Shortening Go Bad? Storage, Shelf Life, Spoilage
Here is a lot of info you probably never wanted to know about crisco shortening.
Monday, February 13, 2023
More frog poop, I am up super early today.
Time is 2 am. Eyes popped open about 1:30 am.
So let's check the internet and see what is going on.
First up is alien balloons spying on us.
I mean this is good. They aren't ruling out anything. Well, me neither. I'm not ruling out that I am an allseeing god who is being punished by having to be in this puny human body for a century.
But in any event, I don't think that some extraterrestrial alien species is going to be so technologically deficient as to let a simple warplane down their spy balloons. I mean, they traveled lightyears to get here didn't they???
Next up is:
Actually, Hordes Of Highly Sophisticated Unidentified Aircraft Have Been Flying Over U.S. Territory
Now I find this story a bit more believable. I wonder if maybe some radio controlled airplane club got together and is doing this.
Seems legit to me. Buncha old farts get together and get all likkered up, no telling what could happen. Especially in empty flyover country.
After mere minutes of searching, that's all I got for now.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Here is an offcolor afternoon joke for you.
Three ducks got arrested and were brought before the judge.
He asked the first duck, what is your name. The duck said Quack. Why were you arrested? I was blowing bubbles in the pond.
The judge asked the second duck what is your name. The duck responded Quack Quack. The judge said why were you arrested? The duck said because I was blowing bubbles in the pond.
The judge asked the third duck what is your name? Then he said wait, let me guess. Your name is Quack Quack Quack. The third duck said, no sir, my name is Bubbles.
When i clicked on the link i thought they were talking about democrats.
A Zombie Apocalypse Of Morons…
And you tell me, is that a parody or is that an actual article somebody wrote??
How will they implement it? With vaccines, maybe??
Who woulda thought some James Bond style villain would try to take over the world by tracking your thoughts and then eventually CONTROLLING your thoughts?
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Friday, February 10, 2023
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Pickle juice for cramps??
Pickle Juice. It's what's for breakfast.
Somewhere today on one of the videos I watched someone mentioned pickle juice in passing.
So I started a search and found the above link to where you can buy bottles of pickle juice. To drink.
Apparently pickle juice can help stop cramps after heavy exercise such as bicycling. I don't know. Never tried that. I have drank pickle juice, and it did seem to satisfy my need for...something.
But I am not going to drink it on a regular basis. It did make me want water after I drank it. Maybe that is the benefit.
This Is Just So Much BullCrap
Iowa student sues over 2A t-shirt suspension
I do not understand why crap like this keeps happening.
What is so effing hard to understand about that?
A person, a student, has the absolute guaranteed right to freedom of speech. It is NOT limited in any fashion, regardless of what the supreme court has ruled. They are simply wrong. If you want to yell fire in a crowded theatre, go for it. Just know you might get killed by those people in retaliation. And I am fine with that. I know some will disagree with me, but those people are simply wrong.
Some will say that the states or cities have the right to have free speech zones or can control who says what where. Those people are simply wrong.
When states come into the United States of America, they swear an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America. That means that the constitution is the Supreme Law of that state, superseding all other laws of that state, except for the laws reserved specifically TO the state by the federal constitution. Including that state's constitution.
If a teacher tries to control a students speech by expelling him or her or IT from class, that teacher should be jailed for a period of time to equal what the J6 people are being jailed. And the teacher in the article was supposedly teaching a civics class???
It is time for Con gress to step up and make a statement that clarifies all of this. But until people like you, the readers of this blog and others, gain control of Con gress, that will never happen.
Have some hashbrowns with your breakfast
I wanted hashbrowns yesterday morning. Never having cooked them before I made a clumpy soggy mess that never turned crisp.
So in the trash they went and out came the cheerios.
So I found this video on cooking hashbrowns. Gonna try it one of these days.
Since I don't usually cook this might be another fiasco in the making.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Did you know con gress was grilling the ex-execs of twitter???
On yewtube are some videos of members of congress grilling some ex twitter execs.
I gotta admit i did not know they were doing that.
Holy crap looks like at least a couple of the repubs have found some testicular fortitude and are taking it to these buttholes.
Here is one example but there are several more on yewtube: And on a sidenote this Boebert woman is a hottie!!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Covid as a bioweapon
This article comes from Delusions of Adequacy
The author thinks our US Government attacked us with a bioweapon.
I think he or she is right.
Is it time to hang the head of EVERY federal agency???
WTF is going on with our government? Is it past time to shut this place down and go full on anarchy for a few years?
9-11-2001. Isn't that when ALL of the government agencies were supposedly playing footsie with intelligence and not sharing with other agencies and that's why 9-11 was able to happen so easily??????????
The Department of Homeland Security. DHS. The formation of THAT particular bureaucracy was supposed to end all the problems wasn't it???
Then why in the fuck of all hells is this shit happening now? NO ONE WAS NOTIFIED???? WTF????
Are these things dangerous to our national security or not? Is our government protecting our national security or not?
I think it's pretty goddamn obvious the federal government is either incapable or they are co-operating with the chinese.
Treason. Time to kill em all.
Have some kid jokes
- What did the horse say after it tripped?
Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup!
2. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
Because the “P” is silent
3. What do you call a well-balanced horse?
4. What do you call an angry carrot?
A steamed veggie.
5. Where do polar bears keep their money?
In a snowbank.
6. How do you make an egg-roll?
You push it!
7. What would bears be without bees?
This may be a bit of leap of imagination. Hope so.
Lots of people dead over there, lots of buildings collapsing.
But I don't see how that equates to danger over the entire world.
Fetterman Speaks
In my younger days, after work, I usually had 4 or 5 clean drinks. And was still capable of speaking clearly.
Unlike fetterman.
I sympathize with ya, kid.
Monday, February 6, 2023
Vienna Sausage Recall
Conagra recalls nearly 2.6 million pounds of canned meat and poultry
That is a lot of vienna sausage. For those of you who don't like or eat the stuff it won't be a problem.
I happen to like vienna sausage, mainly for a snack item, and so I will be careful of which cans I purchase now.
I prefer the original style, not the flavored ones.
But if you purchased this as a food prep item I think it would be prudent to check your cans.
I was looking for a sign
I was looking for a sign, but instead I found hats. I ordered this one: PureBlood Hat
They have quite a few different color, I chose the camo.
There also are t-shirts for the t-shirt wearers out there. I don't wear them anymore except to sleep in.
But I am still looking for a yard sign if anyone knows of a store that sells them.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Befor the chinese spy balloon we had Lawnchair Larry
There have been quite a few have done this, but I think maybe this guy was the first.
I remember hearing about this on the news at the time. And thinking what a dumb mothereffer.
But whatever floats your boat I guess. Or in this case lawnchair.
Can you imagine being in a commercial airliner, look out your window and see a guy in a lawnchair? Maybe he's giving you a thumbs up sign.
Holy smokes, visions of william shatner and the monster on the plane come to mind.
Ask Ian: .223 vs 5.56 and "Military Grade Ammo"
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Chemtrails are real.
Aluminum Snow: Lab Test Confirmed
This article contains a video that is pretty damn scary, at least to me.
Chemtrails are real. Have you ever looked up in the sky and saw a white vapor trail from an airplane? Notice how it slowly dissipated?
Not chemtrails. Those suckers last forever. I used to point out the chemtrails to my customers and tell them that our government or someone was spraying SOMETHING into the air. The trails did not dissipate at all, they just hung there in the sky for hours.
Many of my customers did not believe me.
Somewhere in this blogosphere there used to be a commenter or a blogger who said he was a chemtrail mechanic, and showed pictures of the inside of the plane. I wonder if he is still around and can shed some light on this.
I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first st...