Sunday, October 3, 2021

Listen to This Dumb Asshole

 You gotta watch this short 30 second video. Pay close attention to what this dumbass sucker of ignorant cocks says. 

Did you hear that? This democrat asshole, but I repeat myself, just said the federal government can afford to do anything it wants to do.

Now how the hell is that possible? Oh, we can PRINT MORE MONEY. ALL THE MONEY WE WANT!!!!

Well sumbitch. I wonder what The Accountant in that movie Drive Angry would say about that.


  1. Why do we have the irs? Controlling the people ,of course

    1. And for screwing over republicans.

    2. The fedrull reserve was born in 1913, As was the income tax.
      The bankers own the fedrull reserve. They Loan America dollars. They Demand ,like the mob, at least interest be paid. The taxes we pay aren't for the day to day operations of America. They are to pay the vig on the debt.

      The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin is a great read, very cheap,, and it's like reading a Sherlock Holmes book.
      Or, YouTube has, or had, Griffin teaching people.
      It's worth watching a few presentations and deciding if you want the book.

  2. According to my research Yarmuth is worth a cool $17,075,547. He's another one of the multi-million dollar politicians who made their riches by conning the taxpayers while raking in all the goodies paid for by taxpayers.

  3. Do these idiots actually Believe that shit or are they trying to get support for what they want by telling idiots who listen to them that That is how it works? If the government can't go broke and has all the money they need, okay,, sounds Great!!
    So we don't need the irs or taxes. Right?
