Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Have You Checked Out Older Car Prices?

 74 Ford Bronco, $35000. Are you Kidding Me?

1985 Chevy Silverado, $16,500. Is this for real?

1995 Chevy Silverado, $14,800. Nice truck, but damn!

In other news, looks like I left the front windows open all night. Fortunately we didn't wake up with our throats cut.

I am rather glad I retired when I did. I have been noticing of late that I am getting supremely drifty in my old age. Forgetting things like, I left the garden hose running in the flower bed for several hours. Normally I set my phone timer but oldhimers seems to be taking up residence and I keep forgetting.


  1. Welcome to the club. I've got the same problem. Walk from one room to another to do something and forget why you went there not a big deal. That happens to me a lot during the day, but it's my night trips to the bathroom and I forgot why I'm there are really starting to bother me.

    1. I really am starting to get forgetful, I'm thinking it has something to do with my brain software realizing I don't have to get up and go to work.

  2. Pretty soon you will need to hire someone to take care of you during the day and feed you... Damn Fred you are getting old.

    1. HOw's that song go? I'm too young to feel so damn old!

  3. With the chip problem availability, it seems that new car manufacturing is slowing down, hence the high prices on used stuff.
    10 years ago, my '02 Ranger was only worth 5 grand, then it went up to 7500...don't know what it's worth now, but I am hell bent on hanging on to it.

    1. I have been trying to sell a 99 dodge dakota for 2500, but no one wants it at that price.

  4. I was looking at a 2012 Chevy PU short box with a V6 in it, basically a fleet vehicle and in good condition with 171,000 miles on it a used car dealership and they wanted 17,600 for it and Kelley Blue book was listing 9500 in good condition... I walked away I wasn't paying almost double for a used truck.

    1. That is ridiculous. I want an older pickup, trying to sell a 99 and an 03 and go old school. But not at that price. There are others but even those are going for 8500 or so. This is crazy.

  5. Daaaaamm. I stole my 89 Silverado at Three grand last year at this point. Now if I could just find the keys for it...

    1. I feel your pain on the keys. I swear there are gremlins at my place moving stuff after i put it away, cause I can never find anything.
