Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Hot Again, Naturally

 It is 2pm on tuesday afternoon, and the weather app on my phone says it is 106°F.

On my patio, in the shade, my thermometer says it is 103°F.

Yesterday the grid in california was apparently able to keep up. But only because that cocksucker gavin newsom issued emergency orders allowing natural gas plants to fire up.

Today is going to be hotter than yesterday. My weather app says my location is predicted to be at 113°F by 5 pm today. 

These stupid motherfuckers in california are a bunch of stupid motherfuckers. On tv, radio and wherever else they can, they are saying conserve conserve conserve. Turn off your laptops turn off your computers turn off your this turn off your that. Set your airconditioner to no lower than 78°F.

Well fuck that. I am supposed to sit here twiddling my thumbs in the dark while you fatcat sunzabitches eat without masking up?? Fuck you.

Why don't you assholes build something to make electricity with besides solar farms and wind farms? My government has failed me by mandating all this green energy bullshit.

Listening to the radio earlier, some armenian dude was telling the talk show host that people nowadays are pussies. And you know, he is right. We have gotten soft, I know I have.

He and his crew were out harvesting pistachios, as he said "In the old fashioned way." He said the youngest person in his crew was 69 years old, and the oldest person in his crew was 83 years old. I say bravo to them. 

1 comment:

  1. Call in and tell that Armenian motherfucker to get the fuck back to Armenia.
