Friday, September 2, 2022

I tried, but I couldn't force myself.

 That asshole biden's speech is on youtube. I tried, and I managed to get thru about ten minutes, but I was about ready to puke.

This goddamn sunofabitch. How do you express hatred toward 80 million americans as eloquently as this asshole did? Looked to me like he had this speech memorized. Maybe thats why he wasn't seen for a few days, so he could sleep memorize the thing.

This fuckin asshole just made the most DIVISIVE presidents speech in united states history.

How in the samfuckinhill can you denigrate 80 million americans, and then make the call for "THIS COUNTRY TO COME TOGETHER AS ONE"?

Folks, if yesterday you had the thought in your head that we could vote our way out of this, that the november elections would take care of everything, this cocksuckers speech should remove that notion from your thick little head.

The only thing left now that will resolve this situation is violence. Hate to say that, but it's true.



  1. Replies
    1. You think there are enough old farts like us left to get the job done?

  2. walked it back today

  3. Violence IS what the Junta/Fourth Reich want Fred. They believe they can stave off their impending imprisonment for Treason. By using force to stay in power (Declaration of Martial Law). They are beyond Evil.

    [Shameless blog pimp ... cuz well, we're in it for the money (sarc tag on)] ...

    1. I read your post, and tried to comment, but it wouldn't let me. But you are correct in that they do want violence. And they are escalating their efforts to get it initiate. Martial law may be declared. Hopefully, the majority of the military won't go with them.

    2. Thanks Fred. I closed comments in my little backwater, years ago. Only because I simply didn't have the time/energy/huss to babysit comments. In case someone left and entirely inappropriate comment? The site being unmonitored, allowing something beyond the pale to remain, is condoning.

      Apologies for your wasted time/effort. In future I will add a disclaimer to posts, so as not to waste anyone's time and goodwill.

      By not having any comments, I am ranked fairly low, if not non-existent in aggregation. Who cares. Some days I have five hundred or a thousand visitors. Others ... only five!

  4. Why go to DC? Enough enough fed/state/local cockroaches to keep us busy for at least a couple of weeks...
