Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Country Music Television just lost its "woke" mind.

Apparently country music television just pulled a video by a singer named Jason Aldean, a song called Try That in a Small Town.

'Most Contemptible Song Of The Decade': Country Music TV Bans Jason Aldean's "Try That In A Small Town" Video

I watched the video and thought, Yeah so what. He said that stuff, big deal. The song isn't all that good and neither is the video, but pulling it? Grow up fer christ sake. 

You buncha weenies.

Looks like cmt has gone woke. 


  1. It is an okay song, I didn't hear in it why CMT is butthurt. I like CW music and the new stuff is shit and they allow that to be broadcast?

    1. New cw is no bueno. But it looks like EVERY liberal is butthurt over this song. Why? Not sure. I guess because it shows them for the cocksuckers they are??

  2. The song is forgettable, Fred. Any controversy will help his sales.
    Is it just me?, earrings on men used to be for pirates in the olden days movies.

    1. The pirates who wore earrings. Don't know if they were real men but you sure didn't wanna fuck with em.

  3. Reminding evil that it does not control the world is upsetting, Once again the favorite argument of Shut up is successful.
