Thursday, July 13, 2023

Do you like beer? Here's one for ya:

 Ultra-Right Beer Slams Woke Companies in Hilarious Parody Ad (VIDEO)

Kind of a funny advertising campaign. 

I think this is how you beat those sunzabitches, just like this guy is doing.

I don't drink beer anymore, except with a meal, and then only one. I do like a corona or a modelo with enchiladas or some other mexican food.

I went down to the local mexican establishment and got an enchilada plate and a corona. Sorry we don't have corona tonight. Okay gimme a modelo with a cold frosty glass. Sorry no cold frosty glass. 

Well crap, next time I'll bring my own glass.

But I did notice in their cooler there were no Budweiser products at all.


  1. Stole it from ya Fred, funny and about time!

    1. Yep I thought so too. I might order a six pack.

  2. Fred, Corona beer is made by Budweiser’s parent company Anhueser Busch, purely FYI.
    Don’t you tell anyone, but the Kiwis make good beer, even small communities have their own mini-breweries. It’s a common practice for the retail shop to sell a branded cooler full of their chilled products, sole type or mixed brew styles. When you finish the last coldie, you just drop the Esky and dead soldiers off for recycling at brewery or pub, and pick up another full one at a significant saving, ready for consumption. You merely add the barbecue or party.
    I doubt that you’ll encounter the NZ Speight’s Ale in the US, as it has a fairly short shelf life, but if you do then I highly recommend buying some. It has no additives or preservatives (per short storage life) and after a night on the grog you’ll awaken next morn with a clear head, no hangover at all.
    I make no other claims about Speight’s, it’s just my observation as a habitual light drinker that over-indulged a few times. Kiwi chicks are friendly girls.

    1. Well, looks like corona is out. I'll look for aussie beer at the store next time.

    2. Ask Johno about Fosters...

    3. I looked up who makes corona. In the US it is made by Constellation brands, ABinBev makes it most everywhere else.

  3. The Belgium pesos also make Modelo. Made me laugh when all the rubes dropped their crap bud light and started drinking Modelo which is now the #1 beer in the USA. Mexico makes some nice beers and Corona was always shite. Try Carte Blanca, Pacifico, or Bohemia, all world class lagers and readily available in the USA. The Kiwis make good beer if you like ales but lagers are rare.

  4. The Always Right Real American Brewing Company has a nice ring to it
